My Personal Project
Leire Ipiña Herraiz
My Goal
My goal is to learn the new technique "Bedroom pop" by using different devices like a keyboard and a professional microphone by to creating a meaningful song about the most important world issues.
Learning how to use the music devices
Composing a song
Producing a song that fits to the genre "Bedroom pop"
Talking about a world problem
Global Context
Personal and Cultural expression
How we express ourselves: an inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.
Inquiry Question
What elements make a song part of the genre "Bedroom pop"?
Process Planning
The process I did until I reached the final project was long but very efficient. At the end of MYP4, they always told us about the project staff, their difficulties and how well we had to organize ourselves so that it turned out well. For this reason, I decided to start it as soon as possible so as not to have problems. My plan was to first think of ideas for the final product, for that, I wrote in a list all the things that I was passionate about and the first was music. From there, I knew that the perfect product for me was to write and produce a song.
Now that I had a clear idea for my product, I had to decide what I wanted the song to talk about, for that, I did a research on the topics that I liked the most and in the end I chose to talk about world problems such as racism, sexism and climate change.
Process Investigating
Two world famous issues
As I mentioned before, in my song, I wanted to include world issues to try to contribute something to the world and try to open the eyes of many people who think the world is perfect.
For that, I began to investigate the most significant problems of the moment.
After investigating through the internet and many books, I finally found two world issues that I definitely wanted them to be included in my song.
Go to the next slide to see them:
Black Lives Matter Movement
"I Have A Dream", Martin Luther King, (1963)
During my investigation, one of the most sounded world issues of the moment was BLM Movement. In that moment, I knew that one of the issues that i had to include was this one, and my best option to do it was to include the famous "I Have A Dream" speech from Martin Luther King. Later, if you listen to the song, you will be able to listen the speech.
Climate Change Movement
"How Dare You?", Greta Thunberg, (2019)
The climate change movement was the second world issue that I wanted to include because in my case, it made me see the magnitude of the problem. Like surely many, I was not aware of the big problem that is currently happening in the world, but when I saw this amazing speech, my opinion changed completely and I began to investigate more and to realize the real problem.
In the song, the speech is included.
Process Taking Action
To create the song, I only needed my computer (GarageBand), a professional microphone and a keyboard (I used the one from my computer)
Before starting the final song, I wanted to practice with the GarageBand to have a good base to start the final product, for that, I watched three tutorials of how to correctly use this program.
After watching the tutorials, I had a base of how to use Garage Band so I started with the dong by adding a piano base and creating the melody, after that, I added lyrics and I included the speeches. After finishing it, I showed the song to my dad (Musician) to let him give me feedback and suggestions. We made little changes and we had the final song.
Final Product
"I Have A Dream", written and produced by Leire Ipiña Herraiz
Click on the video to listen the song